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accumulation of fat中文是什么意思

用"accumulation of fat"造句"accumulation of fat"怎么读"accumulation of fat" in a sentence


  • 脂肪累积


  • Preventing abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the liver
  • Obesity the condition of being obese ; increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat
  • Fat cells - - note nucleus and rim of cytoplasm pushed to one side by the accumulation of fat
    脂肪细胞- -注意观察胞核、胞质(月牙状)被脂滴推挤到一边。
  • Positrim diet supplement helps you to keep your shape by absorbing excessive oils and preventing the accumulation of fat in the body
  • Effect : stimulating urine production and elimination , increase metabolism , treat water retention , eliminate accumulation of fat and cellulite , improve abnormal appetite
  • But it was accompanied by an unanticipated side effect ? a rearrangement of body fat that produced a withering of the arms and excessie accumulations of fat in the abdomen , back and neck , often referred to as buffalo hump
  • Absorbent obstacles , we are against those absorbing the strong function of patients , medication after interference or obstruction of food within the intestinal absorption ; obstacles on lipid metabolism and fat synthesis against hyperthyroidism , causing substantial accumulation of fat in obese people , these two types of drugs is still at the research and exploratory stage
用"accumulation of fat"造句  


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